Demographic data of people registered in Reus.
Interesting information on the set of inhabitants of Reus to know the demographic situation of the city and see its evolution.
The visualization and analysis of various graphs allows us to observe the demographic reality of the city from a global perspective to understand population dynamics at the local level.
The source of the data is for the continuous census, permanently updated.
Elaborated by authors based on continuous census data, which includes people who are in the process of review (possible removal from the register). Informational data without legal value.
In accordance with the current regulations on statistical secrets and data protection, values lower than 5 are shown as 0 in order to avoid the possible individual identification of any natural person.
Consult the data opened on the OpenData de l'Ajuntament de Reus.
Other data
Labor market
Unemployment data recorded in Reus.
Business fabric
Information on the economic activities of Reus.